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Showing posts from February, 2015

Big lies makes you pay

It's about web security , but this article contains many lies that we are saying or thinking about  and never try to make sure that we are not going to fall in it. These lies about web security . 1- The Lock icon is lighting on , it's ok it's amazing that everyone looks for the lock int he browser bar to believe that this site so secure, it's a big lie . you are not safe .  the lock in the browser bar doesn't mean that you are fully secure , it's only the SSL , means that the data are transferred in secure way .  but the agent(Hacker) who get the info can use it easily. Note : some Hackers are very good at faking SSL certificate or buying one . 2- Website Reputation  It's not true that if you don't visit websites of ill repute , you are in all clear ,No No! Wrong answer.  more than 83% of malware hosting sites are trusted. 3- Don't underestimate the information in your computer . This is the most dangerous poin...