HTML injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) is an ideal vulnerable to exploitfor attackers across the spectrum of sophistication and programming knowledge.
Exploits are easy to write, requiring no more tools than a text editor—or sometimes just the browser’s navigation bar—and a cursory knowledge of JavaScript, unlike buffer overlow exploits that call for more esoteric assembly, compilers, and debugging. XSS also offers the path of least resistance for a payload that can affect Windows, OSX, Linux, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera alike. The web browser is a universal platform for displaying HTML and interacting with complex web sites.
When that HTML is subtly manipulated by a few malicious characters, the browser becomes a universal platform for exposure. With so much personal data stored in web applications and accessible through URLs, there’s no need for attackers to make the extra effort to obtain “root” or “administrator” access on a victim’s system. The reason for targeting browsers is like the infamous crook’s response to why he robbed banks: “Because that’s where the money is.”
HTML injection affects security-aware users whose computers have the latest firewalls, anti-virus software, and security patches installed almost as easily as the casual user taking a brief moment in a cafe to check e-mail. Successful attacks target data already in the victim’s browser or use HTML and JavaScript to force the browser to perform an untoward action. HTML and JavaScript are working behind the scenes inside the browser every time you visit a web page. From a search engine to web-based e-mail to reading the news—how often do you inspect every line of text being loaded into the browser?
Some measure of protection can be gained by maintaining an up-to-date browser,but mostly in terms of HTML injection that attempts to load exploits for the browser’s plugins like Java or Flash. The major web browser vendors continue to add in-browser defenses against the most common forms of XSS and other web-based exploits. The primary line of defense lays within the web sites themselves, which must ilter, encode, and display content correctly and safely in order to protect visitors from being targeted by these attacks.
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more tricks about html attacks :
<object><param name="src" value= "javascript:alert(0)"></param></object>
Round about way to assign the src paramater
<object data="javascript:alert(0)">
<isindex type=image src=1 onerror=alert(1)>
<isindex action=javascript:alert(1) type=image>
<img src=x:alert(alt) onerror=eval(src) alt=0>
src = this.src, alt = this.alt
<x:script xmlns:x="">alert('xss');</x:script>
Content served as text/xml and text/xml-xhtml can execute JavaScript by using html and xhtml namespaces
Hacking Web Apps.
Detecting and Preventing Web Application Security Problems
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